Lotto 71:
Greek Italy. Southern Lucania, Thurium. AR Distater, c. 350-300 BC. Eupha-, magistrate. Obv. Head of Athena right, wearing Attic helmet decorated with Skylla holding trident on bowl. Rev. Bull butting right; ΘOYPIΩN and EYΦA above; in exergue, thyrsos right. HN Italy 1824; HGC 1 1257; SNG ANS 977; Noe, Thurian Distaters, J24. AR. 15.58 g. 26.5 mm. RR. Very rare. Superb example, well centred and toned. Good VF/About EF.
Base d'asta € 1250
Prezzo attuale € 1250
Offerte: 1
Offerta minima: € 1350