Lotto 677:
Almoravids. 'Ali b. Yusuf (500-537 AH / 1106-1142 AD). AV Dinar. Ishbiliya (Sevilla) mint, 521 AH. D/ Kalima and 'Commander of the Muslims 'Alì bin Yusuf' in four lines; Qur'an III, 85 around. R/ 'The Imam Abd Allah Commander of the faithful' in four lines; mint and date formula around. Album 466.1; Vives 1665; Hazard 220. AV. 3.96 g. 25.3 mm. About EF.
Base d'asta € 600
Prezzo attuale € 600
Offerte: 1
Offerta minima: € 650