Lotto 625:
Constantine IV Pogonatus, with Heraclius and Tiberius (668-685). AV Solidus, 677-678 AD. Syracuse mint. Obv. ∂ N COSTANSς Ч P. Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, with short beard; spear over right shoulder, shield with horseman and fallen enemy motif. Rev. VICTORIA AVGЧ. Cross potent on three steps between standing figures of Heraclius and Tiberius, both draped and holding globus cruciger; four pellets at the end of legend; CONOBΘ below. Cf. D.O. 57c (pellet after Θ); Cf. MIB 35 (same); Sear 1203; Sp. 168. AV. 4.2 g. 20.5 mm. RRR. Extremely rare with this mintmark. Expressive and detailed portrait. Minor nick on edge. In very high grade of preservation. About FDC.
Base d'asta € 2500
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