Lotto 55:
Greek Italy. Southern Apulia, Tarentum. AR Nomos, c. 240-228 BC. Kallikrates magistrate. Obv. Warrior, holding Nike, who crowns him, in extended right hand, on horse rearing right; monogram to left, KAΛΛIKPA/THΣ in two lines below. Rev. Phalanthos on dolphin left, holding Nike, who crowns him, in extended right hand and cradling trident in left arm; ligate NE to right, TAPAΣ below. HN Italy 1059; Vlasto 968 (same dies); SNG ANS 1262; SNG BN 2061; SNG Lloyd 230; Dewing 316. AR. 6.55 g. 21 mm. Great style and well preserved. About FDC/Good EF.
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