Lotto 434:
Domitian as Caesar (69-81). AV Aureus, Rome mint, 75 AD. Obv. CAES AVG F DOMIT COS III. Laureate head right. Rev. PRINCEPS IVVENTVT. Spes advancing left, flower in outstretched right hand, raising hem of stola with left. RIC II-p. 1 (2nd ed.) (Vesp.) 787; Calicò 912. AV. 7.32 g. 20.2 mm. Superb and brilliant example, rare as such. Well centred and struck on broad flan. Traces of tooling on obverse. EF/Good EF.
Ex Kunker 262, 2015, 7996.
Ex Numismatica Ars Classica 97, 2016, 105.
Base d'asta € 7000
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Offerta minima: € 7000