Lot 316:
Mn. Aquillius Mn. f. Mn. n. AR Denarius serratus, 71 BC. Obv. VIRTVS-III·VIR. Helmeted and draped bust of Virtus right. Rev. MN·AQVIL-MN·F·MN·N (MN ligate). The Consul Man. Aquillius raising up fallen Sicilia; in exergue, SICIL. Cr. 401/1; B. (Aquillia) 2; RRSC D 194. AR. 3.97 g. 19.5 mm. Sound metal, full weight and broad flan. Brilliant and superb, with underlying luster and golden hues. EF/ About EF.
Sold but not paid in our auction LX.
The Consul Manlius Aquillius was in charge of taming the Servile War in Sicily (104-100 BC), caused by the slave revolt led by the Cilician Athenion: having completely subdued the insurgents, he returned to Rome in 100 BC, celebrating a triumph. Was captured and brutally murdered (by pouring molten gold into his mouth) during his campaign against Mithridates VI of Pontus.
Start price € 250
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Minimum bid: € 250