The Massalia's Military Issue
Lotto 303:
C. Valerius Flaccus. AR Denarius, 82 BC. Obv. Bust of Victory right; behind, O. Rev. C. VAL. FLA. IMPERAT. Legionary eagle between two standards inscribed H (Hastati) and P (Principes), EX. S.C. between them. Cr. 365/1b; B. 12; RRSC D 159b. AR. 3.87 g. 19 mm. R. Rare. Sharply struck, from masterly engraved dies, brilliant with underlying luster and in exceptional condition for issue. Light graffiti in obverse field, otherwise. good EF. Minted in Massalia for payment of troops moving against Q. Sertorius in Spain. The first of a series of coinages in Roman numismatic showing a pure military connotation. See the close relationship to the legionary denarii of Marcus Antonius some 50 years later.
Base d'asta € 500
Prezzo attuale € -
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Offerta minima: € 500