Hypnotic Owl
Lotto 17:
Greek Italy. Etruria, Populonia. AE Triens, 3rd century BC. Obv. Head of Menvra right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet; below, four pellets. Rev. Owl facing, wings spread, standing between two stars; above, four pellets; below, PVPLVNA. Vecchi EC Series 133 (O1/R1); HN Italy 184; HGC 1 175. AE. 19.11 g. 30 mm. RR. Superb green patina. Minor pitting on obverse. Possibly one of the best specimen appeared on market. VF/Good VF.
Base d'asta € 300
Prezzo attuale € 300
Offerte: 2
Offerta minima: € 320