Lot 122:
Sicily. Panormos as Ziz. AR Tetradrachm, c. 405-380 BC. Obv. Charioteer, holding kentron in extended right hand, reins in left, driving fast quadriga right; above, Nike flying left, crowning him; in exergue, hippocamp swimming right and Punic ṢYṢ. Rev. Head of Tanit-Arethousa left, wearing wreath of grain ears, triple-pendant earring, and pearl necklace; three swimming around. HGC 2 1010; SNG ANS 538 (same obv. die); CNP 299; Jenkins, Punic 31 (O7/R31); SNG Lloyd 1583 (same obv. die); SNG Ashmoleon 2137 (same obv. die); Rizzo pl. LXIV, 27; Jameson 689 (same obv. die). AR. 16.83 g. 26.5 mm. RR. Wonderful and rare tetradrachm, with superb style and attractive toning. Minor flatness on obverse. Good VF/EF. The Siculo-Punic coinage of Panormos (modern-day Palermo), minted in the late 5th to early 4th century BC, exhibits a unique fusion of Sicilian Greek and Phoenician artistic traditions. This particular issue from circa 405-390 BC draws inspiration from the tetradrachms and decadrachms of Syracuse. The obverse, featuring a quadriga, is influenced by the work of the engraver Euth... (potentially Euthydemus), mirroring his dynamic style. The reverse shows a female head reminiscent of Kimon’s decadrachms but reinterpreted with distinct local characteristics, including a small swastika on the headband, possibly serving as an artist’s signature. This design reflects a sophisticated adaptation of Greek artistry, indicative of the cultural and artistic exchanges in ancient Sicily.
Start price € 6000
Current price € 6000
Bids: 1
Minimum bid: € 6500