Lotto 438:
Quintus Servilius Caepio Brutus and L. Sestius. Denarius, mint moving with Brutus, 43-42 BC. Obv. Veiled and draped bust of Liberty right; on the left, Q; on the right, L·SESTI·PRO. Rev. Tripod; on the left, axe; on the right, simpulum; around, Q·CAEPIO·BRVTVS·PRO·COS. Cr. 502/2; B. 37 (Julia), 2 (Sestia); RRSC D 281.1. AR. 3.71 g. 17 mm. R. Lightly toned. Metal flaw on reverse. VF.
Base d'asta € 150
Prezzo attuale € 200
Offerte: 6
Offerta minima: € 220