Lotto 395:
P. Laeca. AR Denarius, 110 or 109 BC. Obv. Helmeted head of Roma right; above, ROMA; behind, P·LAECA; below chin, X. Rev. Roman warrior standing left; placing his hand on the head of a citizen; behind, attendant standing left and holding rods; in exergue, [PR]OVOCO. Cr. 301/1; B. (Porcia) 4; RRSC D 100. AR. 4.00 g. 19.50 mm. Full weight and choice example. Lightly toned. About EF. The peculiar reverse of this denarius shows one of the oldest Roman law institutions. The provocatio was a guarantee recognized to the citizen who, condemned by the magistrate to the death penalty or to pay a fine exceeding a certain amount, could appeal to the people (provocare ad populum) so that they could pass the sentence definitive, which could be of condemnation or acquittal.
Base d'asta € 150
Prezzo attuale € 555
Offerte: 21
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