EY on Eagle
Lotto 199:
Greek Italy. Bruttium, Kroton. AE Trichalkon, c. 420-376 BC. Obv. Head of Athena right, wearing crested Corinthian helmet; before, [K]P[O]. Rev. Eagle standing left on stag's head; above, EY. HN Italy -; cf. 2211 var. (TPI on reverse); SNG ANS -; cf. Garrucci pl CX, 19 var. (same); cf. Attianese 183 (= Basel 200 = Virzi 219 = Pozzi Sale 763) var. (same). AE. 23.27 g. 29.00 mm. RRR. Of the highest rarity. This variety with EY on reverse is apparently unlisted in the standard references. Minor cleanings marks. Enchanting emerald-green patina. VF.
Base d'asta € 500
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