Lot 645:
The Lombards at Beneventum. Sicard (832-839). Pale AV Solidus. Obv. SIC (wedge) (wedge) ARDV• . Draped bust facing, wearing crown with cross and holding globus cruciger; wedge in right field. Rev. VICTOR •+ PRINCI. Cross potent on two steps; S-I, each with wedge beneath, flanking; below, CONOB (B retrograde). CNI XVIII, p. 174, 10; MEC 1, 1108; BMC Vandals 1-2. AV. 3.72 g. 23.00 mm. R. Rare and very pleasant specimen. Edge chipped.. EF.
Start price € 700
Current price € 750
Bids: 2
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