Lot 802:
Basilius II (976-1025). AV Histamenon Nomisma, Constantinople mint, c. 1005-1025 AD. Obv. +IhS XIS ReX ReGNANTIhw. Bearded, facing and nimbate bust of Christ, wearing tunic and himation, holding Book of Gospels in his left hand, his right hand raised in benediction; crescents in the two upper parts of the nimbus; all within triple dotted circle. Rev. +BASIL C COnSTAnTI bR. The facing half-length figures of Basil, bearded, wearing loros, pendilia and crown with cross, and of Constantine, wearing chlamys, pendilia and crown with cross, holding between them with their right hands long cross; small crown (wreath) over Basil's head; all within triple dotted circle. Sear 1800; D.O. 6a. AV. 4.40 g. 26.00 mm. Scarce. Choice example, struck from fresh dies. EF.
Start price € 600
Current price € 750
Bids: 4
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