Lot 758:
Constans II, with Constantine IV (641-668). AV Solidus. Syracuse mint, c. 661-668. Obv. ∂N CO CO Ч. Draped busts facing of Constans II, to left wearing plumed helmet, and Constantine IV, to right wearing crown; cross above. Rev. VICTORIA AVGЧ KЧ•. Cross potent on three steps; to left and right, Heraclius and Tiberius standing facing, each holding globus cruciger; in exergue, CONOB (triangular pellet stop). D.O. 162d; MIB 96; Sear 1087A. AV. 4.35 g. 19.50 mm. R. EF.
Start price € 800
Current price € 950
Bids: 4
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