Lot 520:
Gaius (Caligula) (37-41). AE Sestertius, 39-40 AD. Obv. C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS P M TR POT. Pietas, veiled and draped, seated left, holding patera, resting left arm on small facing figure; in exergue, PIETAS. Rev. DIVO-AVG, S-C. Hexastyle garlanded temple, before which Gaius veiled and togate, sacrifices over altar; one attendant leads bull to the altar; a second holds patera. RIC I (2nd ed.) 36. AE. 29.30 g. 35.00 mm. RR. Very rare and superb. Lovely deep green patina with deposits. EF.
Start price € 1500
Current price € 1500
Bids: 1
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