Lot 403:
C. Censorinus. AE As, 88 BC. Obv. [NVMA POMPILI-ANCVS MARCI]. Jugate heads right of Numa Pompilius, bearded, and Ancus Marcius, beardless. Rev. C. CENSO. Two arches from which protrudes prow right. Beneath left arch, spiral column surmounted by statue of Victory and below right arch, crescent; in exergue, ROMA. Cr. 346/3; B. (Marcia) 20. AE. 11.89 g. 29.00 mm. Scarce. Lovely brown patina with green deposits. Intriguing flan shape. In good conditions for the issue. Good VF.
Start price € 100
Current price € 160
Bids: 7
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