Lot 231:
Sicily. Syracuse. Agathokles (317-289 BC). AR Tetradrachm, c. 317-310 BC. Obv. Wreathed head of Arethousa left; three dolphins around; NK below neck. Rev. Charioteer driving quadriga left; triskeles above, ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ/AI monogram in exergue. HGC 2 1348; SNG ANS 639 ; Ierardi 50 (O9/R28); BAR issue 2. AR. 17.06 g. 25.00 mm. Brilliant and choice, lightly toned. Small die-breaks. About EF.
According to a note of the collector the provenance could be Sotheby's Zurich 28 October 1993, 262.
Start price € 3000
Current price € 4000
Bids: 5
No more available for sale.