Lot 669:
Honorius (393-423). AV Solidus, Constantinople mint, c. 397-402. Obv. DN HONORIVS PF AVG. Helmeted, pearl-diademed and cuirassed bust facing, holding spear and shield with effigy of horseman. Rev. CONCORDIA AVGG A. Constantinopolis enthroned facing, head right, right foot on prow, holding sceptre and Victory; in exergue, CONOB. RIC X 8. AV. 4.46 g. 20.50 mm. Scarce. Superb example, struck from sharp dies. Good VF/About EF.
Ex Aes Rude 11, 1985, 354.
Start price € 500
Current price € 550
Bids: 2
No more available for sale.