Lot 531:
Elagabalus and Julia Maesa (218-222). AE Pentassarion. Marcianopolis mint (Moesia Inferior). AD 218-222. Iulius Antonius Seleucus, legatus Augusti pro praetore. Obv. ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ ΑΥΓ ΙΟΥΛΙΑ ΜΑΙϹΑ ΑΥΓ. Confronted busts of Elagabalus right, laureate, and Maesa left, draped. Rev. ΥΠ ΙΟΥΛ ΑΝΤ ϹΕΛΕΥΚΟΥ ΜΑΡΚΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ. Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopiae. RPC online 1440; AMNG 970. AE. 11.34 g. 27.00 mm. VF.
Start price € 70
Current price € 75
Bids: 2
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