Lot 741:
Frankish Greece, Athens. William de la Roche (1280-1287) perhaps also minted during the Minority of Guy II de la Roche (1287-1294). AE Obol. Obv. Shield with the arms of la Roche. Rev. Patent cross. Malloy 81; Schl. pl. XIII, 1; Metcalf 866. AE. 0.29 g. 13.50 mm. RRR. Extremely rare. Chipped flan. About VF. Difficult is to explain why this petty coinage is so scarce to be found in the market. Many and fascinating are the hypothesis such as the existence of secondary mints different from that of the more common types, even though they continue to bear the mint name of Thebes. Another interesting theory worth to be mentioned is the existence of a workshop of die cutters at the mint of Thebes, whose regular task during William's reign was to issue copper oboles, also sometimes served in an auxiliary capacity producing deniers.
Start price € 100
Current price € 140
Bids: 5
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