Lotto 731:
Sidon. Balian Grenier (c. 1204-1240). BI Denier, Bailie issue, 1228-1240. Obv. Patent cross. Rev. Three-storied edifice with arcade and cupola (the converted mosque made into the Cathedral of Sidon). Malloy 4; Schl. pl. V, 8; Metcalf 213/214. BI. 0.73 g. 16.00 mm. RR. In very good condition for issue. EF. Curious is the presence in a thirteen century coin of a legend that defines its nominal value: DENIER. It tends to dismiss the idea that the twelfth century coins in the latin east were deniers. This coin represents a departure from the types previously issued at Sidon. Not only does it bear a cross and a domed building (the converted mosque made into the Cathedral of Sidon) as types, but the legends are in french, +DENIER +DESEETE. The appearance of coins of this type in the al-Mina and Djebaïl hoards (1130-1135) confirms that they were minted just before and perhaps during this period and, therefore, belong to the reign of Balian of Grenier (c.1204-1240), when the city of Sidon was once again completely under Frankish control (1227-1260).
Base d'asta € 250
Prezzo attuale € 370
Offerte: 7
Lotto non in vendita