Choice Rare Tacitus
Lot 605:
Tacitus (275-276). BI Antoninianus. Serdica mint, 2nd officina. 1st emission, November-December AD 275. Obv. CL TACITVS AVG. Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. CONSERVAT MILIT. Mars standing right, holding spear and presenting globe to Tacitus standing left, holding scepter; in exergue, S. RIC V -; BN p. 405, note n = BN supp. 449 = Zanchi, Serdica 2; Venèra -. BI. 3.51 g. 22.00 mm. RRR. Very rare. Delicate patina over silver surfaces. EF.
Start price € 150
Current price € 150
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