Lot 593:
Elagabalus (218-222). AE Sestertius. Obv. IMP CAES [M AVR] ANTONINVS PIVS AVG. Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust right. Rev. INVICTVS SACE[RD]OS AVG / S - C. Elagabalus standing left, sacrificing out of patera over lighted and garlanded altar and holding club; star in left field; bull lying at base of altar. RIC IV 350; C. 64. AE. 22.57 g. 31 mm. R. Rare and attractive. Glossy deep brown patina, gently smoothed and somewhat polished. VF.
Start price € 200
Current price € 260
Bids: 4
No more available for sale.