Lot 483:
C. Considius Nonianus. AR Denarius, 57 BC. Obv. Laureate and diademed bust of Venus Erycina right; behind, C·CONSIDI·NONIANI; before, S·C. Rev. Mountain, on which stands temple, surrounded by wall with gate; above gate, ERVC. Cr. 424/1; B. (Considia) 1. AR. 3.52 g. 18 mm. Choice and brilliant, with delicate warm patina. Spectacular reverse, with enchanting details and perfectly centred; striking weakness, otherwise. EF/Good EF. Describing Mt. Eryx and its temple complex, the Greek historian Polybius of Megalopolis writes: On its summit, which is flat, stands the temple of Venus Erycina, which is indisputably the first in wealth and general magnificence of all the Sicilian holy places. The city extends along the hill under the actual summit, the ascent to it being very long and steep on all sides. (World History, 1.55).
Start price € 500
Current price € 500
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