Salonina, wife of Gallienus (died 268 AD). AR Antoninianus, uncertain mint in Asia, 255-258. Obv. CORN SALONINA AVG. Diademed and draped bust right, on crescent. Rev. CONCORDI[...]
Postumus (259-268). AE Sestertius. Lugdunum mint, 261 AD. Obv. IMP C M CASS LAT POSTVMVS P F AVG. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right. Rev. FIDES MILITVM. Fides standing[...]
Florian (276 AD). BI Antoninianus, Siscia mint, 276 AD. Obv. IMP C M AN FLORIANVS P AVG. Radiate and cuirassed bust right. Rev. FELICITAS AVG. Felicitas, draped, standing left[...]
Diocletian (284-305). BI Antoninianus. Lugdunum mint, 285 AD. Obv. IMP C C VAL DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG. Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind. Rev. IOVI CON[...]
Diocletian (284-305). AE1, Heraclea mint, 298 AD. Obv. IMP C C VAL DIOCLETIANVS P F AVG. Laureate head right. Rev. GENIO POPV-L-I ROMANI. Genius, wearing modius, nude, chlamys[...]
Maximian (286-310). AE1, Ticinum mint, 304-305. Obv. IMP C MAXIMIANVS P F AVG. Laureate head right. Rev. SACRA MONET AVGG ET CAESS NOSTR. Moneta, draped, standing left, holdin[...]
Maximian (286-310). AE1, Ticinum mint, 305 AD. Obv. D N MAXIMIANO BAEATISSIMO SEN AVG. Laureate bust right, wearing imperial mantle, holding olive branch in right hand and mappa in lef[...]
Maximian (286-310). AE1, Cyzicus mint, 295-296. Obv. IMP C M A MAXIMIANVS P F AVG. Laureate head right. Rev. GENIO POPV-LI ROMANI. Genius, wearing modius, nude, chlamys draped[...]
Galerius (305-311). AE1, Ticinum mint, 305 AD. Obv. IMP C MAXIMIANVS P F AVG. Laureate head right. Rev. FIDES MI-LITVM. Fides, draped, seated left, holding standard in each ha[...]
Maxentius (306-312). AE2, Ostia mint, 309-312. Obv. IMP C MAXENTIVS P F AVG. Laureate head right. Rev. AETE-RNITAS - AVG N. Castor and Pollux, wearing caps, nude, chlamys drap[...]
Divus Romulus (died 309 AD). AE Half Follis, Rome mint, 309-312. Obv. DIVO ROMVLO N V BIS CONS. Bare head right. Rev. AETERNAE MEMORIAE. Domed shrine with right door ajar; abo[...]
Licinius I (308-324). AE3, Siscia mint, 313 AD. Obv. IMP LIC LICINIVS P F AVG. Laureate head right. Rev. IOVI CONS-ERVATORI AVGG NN. Jupiter, chlamys hanging from left shoulde[...]
Licinius II (317-324). AE 20 mm, Antioch mint, 317-320. Obv. D N VAL LICIN LICINIVS NOB C. Laureate and draped bust left, holding sceptre in right hand and mappa in left hand. R[...]
Magnentius (350-353). AE 26.5 mm, Treveri mint, 352-353. Obv. D N MAGNENTIVS P F AVG. Draped bust right. Rev. [SALVS DD N]N AVG ET CAES. Chi-Rho, flanked by A and ω. TRS (in [...]
Constantius Gallus as Caesar (351-354). AE 24 mm. Constantinople mint. Obv. D N FL CL CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES. Bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. FEL TEMP REPARAT[...]
Julian II (360-363). AE Double Maiorina, Antioch mint, 361-363. Obv. D N FL CL IVLI-ANVS P F AVG. Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. SECVRITAS REI PVB. Bull[...]
Valentinian I (364-375). AR Siliqua, Rome mint, 1st officina, 364-367. Obv. DN VALENTINIANVS P F AVG. Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. VRBS ROMA. Roma ent[...]
Valens (364-378). AR Siliqua, Nicomedia mint. Obv. D N VALENS P F AVG. Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. VOT V /MVLT/XX in four lines within laurel wreath;[...]
Procopius (365-366). AE 20 mm, Nicomedia mint. Obv. D N PROCOPIVS P F AVG. Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust left. Rev. REPARATIO FEL TEMP. Emperor, head right, standi[...]
Gratian (367-383). AE 19 mm. Rome mint, 367-378. Obv. D N GRATIANVS P F AVG Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. SECVRITAS REI PVBLICAE. Victory advancing left, hol[...]
Magnus Maximus (383-388). AR Siliqua, Trier mint, 383-388. Obv. D N MAG MAX-IMVS P F AVG. Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. VIRTVS RO-MANORVM. Roma, head l[...]
Arcadius (383-408). AR Siliqua, Treveri mint, 392-395. Obv. D N ARCADI-VS P F AVG. Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. VIRTVS RO-MANORVM. Roma seated left on[...]
Honorius (393-423). AV Solidus, Ravenna mint, 408-423. Obv. D N HONORI-VS P F AVG. Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. VICTORI-A AVGGG. Honorius, draped, cui[...]
Valentinian III (425-455). AV Tremissis. Ravenna (or Rome) mint, 440-455. Obv. DN PLA VALENTINANVS P F AV. Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right. Rev. Latin cross p[...]
Ostrogothic Italy, Athalaric (526-534). AE Nummus in the name of Justinian I, Rome mint. Obv. [---] NIAN [---]. Pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. Monogram [...]
Justin I (518-527). AE Follis, Constantinople mint. Obv. DN IVSTI-NVS PP AVG. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. Large M between stars; above, cross; in exergue, [...]
Justinian I (527-565). AE 9 mm. Rome mint, c. 547 AD. Obv. Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger and shield. Rev. Lion standing right within wreath. [...]
Justinian I (527-565). AR 250 Nummi, light series, Ravenna mint. Obv. DN IVSTINIANVS P P AV(ligate)G. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. Large CN; X below; all wi[...]
Justinian I (527-565). AR Quarter Siliqua (?), Ravenna mint. Obv. Diademed bust right, wearing ornamented robe. Rev. Staurogram set on globe; all within wreath. D.O. 341; [...]
Justin II and Sophia (565-578). AE Half follis, Thessalonica mint, dated RY 5 (569-570). Obv. Justin and Sophia enthroned facing, side-by-side. Rev. Large K (mark of value); a[...]
Justin II and Sophia (565-578). AE Follis. Cyzicus mint, 1st officina. Dated RY 10 (574/5). Obv. Justin, holding globus cruciger in left hand, and Sophia, holding cruciform scepter in [...]
Justin II (565-578). AE Follis. Theoupolis (Antioch) mint, dated RY 9 (573/4). Obv. Traces of blundered legend. Nimbate figures of Justin and Sophia seated facing on double throne, eac[...]
Heraclius, with Heraclius Constantine (610-641). AR Hexagram, Constantinople mint. Obv. dd NN hERACLIYS et hERA C. Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine seated facing on double throne; e[...]
Heraclius, with Heraclius Constantine (610-641). AE Decanummium Catania mint. Dated RY 19. Obv. Facing crowned, draped, and cuirassed busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine; betw[...]
Constans II (641-668). AE Follis, Syracuse mint, 642-643. Obv. Crowned and draped bust facing, holding globus cruciger. Rev. Large m between A/N/A and N/E/O/S; in exergue, SC'[...]
Michael II with Theophilus (821-829). AE Follis, Syracuse mint. Obv. Busts of Michael, crowned, draped, and Theophilus, crowned, wearing loros, facing. Rev. Large M (mark of v[...]
Theophilus, with Constantine and Michael II (829-842). AV Solidus, Constantinople mint. Obv. *ΘEOFILOS BASILE Θ. Crowned and draped bust facing, holding patriarchal cross and akakia.[...]
Basil I the Macedonian, with Constantine (868-879). AR Miliaresion, Constantinople mint. Obv. IhSЧS XRI-StЧS nICA. Cross potent with base on three steps set on globe. Rev. +[...]
Leo VI the Wise (886-912). AE Follis, Constantinople mint. Obv. +LEOҺ ЬAS ROm'. Crowned and draped facing bust of Romanus, holding labarum-scepter and globus cruciger. Rev. [...]
Constantine VII, Porphyrogenitus (913-959) and Romanus I, Lecapenus (920-944). AR Miliaresion, Constantinople mint, 931-944. Obv. IhSЧS XRI-STЧS hICA. Cross crosslet on three steps; [...]
Anonymous. Time of Basil II to Constantine VIII. AE Follis, Constantinople mint. Obv. Bust of Christ Pantokrator facing, nimbate with cross, holding book. Rev. Legend in four [...]
Anonymous Folles. Temp. of Michael IV, the Paphlagonian (1034-1041). AE Anonymous Follis. Obv. Three-quarter lenght figure of Christ Antiphonetes standing facing, raising right hand in[...]
Anonymous. Time of Constantine IX (1042-1055). AE Follis, Constantinople mint. Obv. Christ enthroned facing. Rev. Inscription in three lines. Sear 1836. AE. 9.81 g. [...]
Isaac II, Angelus (1185-1195). AV Hyperpyron Nomisma, Constantinople mint. Obv. MHP (ligate) - ΘV across field. The Virgin enthroned facing, nimbate and wearing pallium and maphorium;[...]
Greek Italy and Greek Sicily. Lot of four (4) unclassified coins, including there (3) AE and one (1) AR denomination of Metapont, Leontini, Gela and Tarent. AE and AR. [...]
Roman Republic and Empire. Lot of three (3) unclassified coins; including two (2) denominations of the Empire (Lucius Verus and Gallienus) and one (1) AR denarius of the Republic. [...]
The Roman Empire. Lot of 2 (two) AR Roman Provincial coins, including Tiberius with Drusus (Caesarea mint) and Nero with Polemon II (King of Pontus). AR. One chipped[...]
The Roman Empire. Lot of six (6) unclassified AR (3) and AE (3) denominiatons; noted emperors: Domitian, Julia Domna, Salonina, Valentinian, Constantine. AR and AE. [...]
World Coins. Lot of twenty-seven (27) unclassified AR and AE denominations; noted countries: Austria, Papal State, Spain, Greece, Yugoslavia, Hon Kong, Portugal, Russia, France, Empire Cher[...]
Leads from the Ancient World. PB Tessera , uncertain mint in Asia Minor. D/ Helmeted bust right (Athena?). R/ Donkey standing right. PB. 1.5 g. 11.5 mm. VF[...]
Leads from the Ancient World. PB Tessera, Roman period. D/ PV. R/ Fortuna standing right, holding rudder and cornucopiae. PB. 3.93 g. 14.5 mm. [...]
Leads from Ancient World. PB Seal. D/ Figure standing left, fighting with lion (Heracles and the Nemean lion?). R/ Blank. PB. 4.68 g. 16 mm. [...]
Austria. Leopold I (1657-1705). AR 3 Kreuzer, Breslau mint (Silesia), 1698, mint mark MMW for mint master Martin Maximilian Wackerl. AR. 1.43 g. 22 mm. About VF. [...]
Austria. Maria Theresa (1740-1780). AR Taler, dated 1780, SF. AR. 28.03 g. 41 mm. UNC. Since the death of Maria Theresa in 1780, the coin has always been dated [...]
Austria. Maria Theresa (1740-1780). AR Taler, dated 1780, SF. AR. 28.07 g. 40 mm. Good EF/About UNC. Since the death of Maria Theresa in 1780, the coin has alwa[...]
Austria. Ferdinand I (1835-1848). AR 20 Kreuzer, Vienna mint, 1844 A. Frühwald 824. AR. 6.62 g. 26 mm. Scratch on obverse. About VF/Good VF. [...]
Austria. AR Medal, 1898. Commemorating the Revolution in Vienna on 13th March 1848. Obv. DEN FREIHEITSKEMPFERN DES JAHRES 1848 DIE OESTERREICHISCHE SOCIALDEMOKRATIE 1898. Fighting scene.[...]
Austria. Franz Joseph (1848-1916). AR 2 Gulden, Vienna mint, 1879. Commemorating the silver wedding anniversary. KM XM5; Dav. 31. AR. 24.67 g. 36.5 mm. Good VF/About[...]
Austria. Franz Joseph (1848-1916). AR 5 Kronen, Vienna mint, 1908. Dav. 35; Herinek 771. AR. 24.05 g. 36.5 mm. Cabinet tone. About EF. For the 60th anniversary [...]
Austria. Karl I (1916-1918). Troop cross, 1916. Obv. GRATI/PRINCEPS ET PATRIA/CAROLVS/IMP ET REX. Rev. Two crowns/C/VITAM ET SANGVINEM/MDCCCCXVI. White metal. 11 g. [...]
China. American Medallion Coproration. AR Bullion Round (Ounce) 1987. AG. 31.07 g. 39.5 mm. R. Rare and seldom offered for sale. Encapsulated by Classical Coin[...]
Finland. Nicholas II of Russia (1894-1917). AR 25 Penniä 1917. KM 6.2. AR. 1.29 g. 16 mm. About FDC. The Grand Duchy of Finland was an autonomous region of Russ[...]
France. Napoleon III (1852-1870). AV 5 francs 1863 B, Strasbourg mint. KM 803; Gad. 1002; Fried. 588. AV. 1.58 g. 17 mm. Contact spot on obverse. About VF. [...]