Lotto 383:
M. Atius Balbus. AE 24 mm, uncertain mint in Sardinia (Uselis?), c. 38-31 BC. Special praetorial mintage for use in the province. Obv. M ATIVS BALBVS • PR. Bare head left. Rev. SARD PATER. Helmeted head of Sardus Pater right. RPC I 625; SNG Cop. 1112-1113; SNG München 1750. AE. 5.73 g. 22 mm. RR. Very rare. Dark green patina. About VF/Good F. Sardus (Pater) was the eponymous mythological hero of the Sardinians. He is said to be the son of Hercules (Sallust), or the son of Makeris/Melqart (Pausanias). It is most likely that his cult was introduced by the Carthaginians after they occupied the island. The cult was kept alive by the Romans, Sardus had a dedication in the temple of Antas, bulit by Augustus in 38 BC.
Base d'asta € 70
Prezzo attuale € 340
Offerte: 21
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