Lotto 637:
Leo III the 'Isaurian', with Constantine V (717-741). AV Tremissis. Uncertain Italian mint, c. 720-740 AD. Obv. Legend off flan. Crowned and bearded bust facing, holding globus cruciger and wearing chlamys. Rev. Legend off flan. Crowned bust facing (with slight beard?), holding globus cruciger and wearing chlamys; to right, cross within crescents. D.O. -, cf. 103; Sear -; cf. 1540E. EL. 1.28 g. 15 mm. RRR. Extremely rare. Lightly toned. Edge chipped. Good VF.
Base d'asta € 400
Prezzo attuale € -
Offerte: -
Offerta minima: € 400