Caesarian Extremely Rare Issue
拍品号 348:
Julius Caesar. AR Denarius, mint moving with Caesar, 13 July 48-47 BC. Obv. Female head right, wearing oak-wreath and diadem; behind, ⊥II. Rev. Trophy with Gallic shield and carnyx; below, bearded Vercingetorix seated with hands tied behind back and looking up; on either side, CAE-SAR. Cr. 452/5; B. (Julia) 27; RRSC D 244.3b. AR. 3.83 g. 18.5 mm. RRRR. Of the highest rarity, few specimens known and seldom offered. Light marks. VF. Belonging to the series of Julius Caesar's rarest denarii, this issue is not unanimously accepted when it was minted and during which military campaign. The figure on the obverse has been variously interpreted as Pietas or as Clementia, while the reverse distinctly evokes the military setting in which this series was minted, but without precise references placing it in time and space.
起拍价 € 3000
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最低加价: € 3000