Lotto 317:
Q. Fufius Calenus and Mucius Cordus. AR Denarius serratus, 70 BC. Obv. Jugate heads of Honos and Virtus right; on left, HO; on right, VIRT (RT ligate); below, KALENI. Rev. Italia, holding cornucopiae and Roma, holding fasces and placing right foot on globe, clasping their hands; at sides, winged caduceus/ITAL (TAL ligate)-RO; in exergue, CORDI. Cr. 403/1; B. (Fufia) 1, (Mucia) 1; RRSC D 195. AR. 3.94 g. 19.5 mm. Scarce. Great metal, full weight and broad flan. A superb example of this historically significant issue. Brilliant with underlying luster and lovely light iridescent tone. EF.
Sold but not paid our in auction LX.
The types are an allusion to the recent pacification of Italy after the Social War.
Base d'asta € 250
Prezzo attuale € 330
Offerte: 3
Offerta minima: € 350