Lotto 315:
L. Axius L.f. Nasus. AR Denarius, 71 BC. Obv. Head of Mars right, wearing crested and plumed helmet; behind, control-mark; before, S·C; below, NASO. Rev. Diana in biga of stags right; behind, two dogs; below, dog; on left, control-mark; in exergue, L·AXSIVS·L·F. Cr. 400/1b; B. (Axia) 2; RRSC D 193b. AR. 3.71 g. 19 mm. RR. Very rare, choice and well centred. Pleasant tone. Blackish deposits, otherwise. EF.
Base d'asta € 400
Prezzo attuale € 400
Offerte: 1
Offerta minima: € 420