拍品号 134:
Sicily. Syracuse. Second Democracy (466-405 BC). AR Tetradrachm. Unsigned dies in the style of Sosion and Eumenos, c. 415-409 BC. Obv. Charioteer driving fast quadriga left; above, Nike flying right, crowning charioteer; below, crane standing left; in exergue, fish and dolphin swimming left. Rev. ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙO[Ν]. Head of Arethusa left, hair in thin bands and wearing necklace; four dolphins around. HGC 2 1327; SNG ANS 255; Fischer-Bossert, Coins 17 (V7/R11)); Tudeer 17. AR. 17.34 g. 27 mm. RR. Rare type and symbol, toned. Light marks in fields. Nick on edge on reverse. Good VF.
起拍价 € 1500
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最低加价: € 1500