拍品号 131:
Sicily. Syracuse. Second Democracy (466-405 BC). AR Tetradrachm, c. 466-460 BC. Obv. Charioteer, holding kentron and reins, driving slow quadriga right; above, Nike flying right with wings spread, crowning horses with wreath; in exergue, ketos right. Rev. Head of Arethousa right, wearing earring and pearl necklace; ΣVRΑKΟΣΙΟΝ and four dolphins around. HGC 2 1311; Boehringer 489 (V258/R351); SNG Lockett 927 (same dies); McClean 2656 (same dies); Pozzi 576 (same dies). AR. 16.47 g. 25.5 mm. Lightly toned, some roughness, irregular flan. Good VF.
起拍价 € 1500
当前出价 € 1500
出价数: 1
最低加价: € 1600