Lotto 196:
Greek Italy. Bruttium, Kroton. Fourreé Nomos, c. 425-350 BC. Obv. Eagle with closed wings standing left, head right, on the head of a stag right. Rev. Tripod with high neck surmounted by wreaths, legs terminating in lion’s feet; ivy leaf to left, ϘPO to right. HN Italy 2146; SNG ANS 352; Kraay & Hirmer 269; Attianese 104; Gulbenkian 127. AR/AE. 5.80 g. 22.00 mm. R. Rare and interesting fourreé Nomos. Delamination on reverse. VF/Good VF.
Base d'asta € 200
Prezzo attuale € 200
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