Lotto 69:
Greek Italy. Southern Lucania, Metapontum. AR Half Shekel – Drachm. Time of Hannibal, c. 212-206 BC. Obv. Head of Athena right, wearing Corinthian helmet. Rev. META. Five-grained barley ear; leaf to right, owl above. Cf. HN Italy 1634 var. (legend upwards); Robinson pl. VI. 6-7; Jameson 329. AR. 3.50 g. 19.00 mm. Superb coin, perfectly struck and detailed. Brilliant and lightly toned with golden hues. Intriguing reverse in coarse style. Good EF.
Base d'asta € 400
Prezzo attuale € 400
Offerte: 1
Lotto non in vendita