Published in Biaggi
拍品号 550:
Philip I (244-249). AE Sestertius, Rome mint, 244-249. Obv. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. LIBERALITAS AVGG II S C. Liberalitas, draped, standing left, holding abacus in right hand and cornucopiae in left hand. RIC IV 180A; C. 88; Published in: Biaggi E., Le preziose patine dei sesterzi di Roma, n. 633. AE. 23.94 g. 31.00 mm. Enchanting deep green patina with clearer hues.Light scratches on obverse, otherwise. EF.
起拍价 € 100
当前出价 € 220
出价数: 10