Lotto 723:
Valentinian I (364-375). AV Solidus, Treveri mint, 374-375 AD. Obv. DN VALENTINIANVS PF AVG. Rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. VICTORIA AVGG. Two emperors seated facing, holding globe between them; behind and between them, Victory is standing with outspread wings, palm below; in exergue, TROBT. RIC IX 17b, 6; Depeyrot 43/1. AV. 4.45 g. 21.00 mm. R. Rare and choice. Minor scratch on obverse. Good VF.
Ex Artemide L, 2019, 440.
Base d'asta € 750
Prezzo attuale € 1050
Offerte: 7
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