Lotto 808:
Theodora (Second reign, 1055-1056). 2/3 Miliaresion. Constantinople mint. Obv. H RΛAXЄPNITICA. Facing bust of the Virgin Mary, orans. Rev. + ΘKЄ / BOHΘЄI / ΘЄOΔωPA / ΔЄCΠOINH / TH ΠOPΦV / POΓЄNN / Tω in seven lines. D.O. 3; Sear 1839. AR. 1.35 g. 23.50 mm. RRR. Iridescent toning, light die rust, ragged edge. Extremely rare, only one in CoinArchives. Good VF.
Ex Numismatik Naumann 116, 2022, 1172.
Base d'asta € 1500
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