Lotto 737:
Maurice Tiberius (582-602). AV Solidus. Rome mint, c. 583-584 AD. Obv. ON mAVRC TIb PP AVC. Draped and cuirassed bust facing, wearing plumed helmet and holding globus cruciger. Rev. VICTORIA AVGG P. Angel standing facing, holding long staff terminating in inverted staurogram and globus cruciger; in exergue, CONOB. D.O. -; MIB 30; Sear 584. AV. 4.44 g. 22.00 mm. RRRR. Extremely rare issue, very few specimens known. Brilliant and lightly toned. Peripheral area of flat strike; faint graffiti. About EF.
Base d'asta € 800
Prezzo attuale € 850
Offerte: 3
Lotto non in vendita