Lotto 637:
Trajan Decius (249-251). BI Tetradrachm. Antioch mint, Seleucis and Piera. Obv. AYT K Γ MЄ KY ΔЄKIOC TPAIANOC CЄB. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. ΔHMAPX ЄΞOYCIAC. Eagle standing left on palm branch, holding wreath, wings open; below, in exergue, S C. RPC online 1618; Prieur 520; McAlee 1116h. BI. 12.10 g. 26.50 mm. Choice example with light tone. About EF.
Base d'asta € 180
Prezzo attuale € 180
Offerte: 1
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