Lotto 614:
Julia Mamaea, mother of Severus Alexander (died 235 AD). AE Sestertius. Struck under Severus Alexander, 232 AD. Obv. [I]VLIA MAMAEA AVGVSTA. Diademed and draped bust right. Rev. FECVNDITAS AVGVSTA[E]. Fecunditas standing left, holding cornucopiae and extending hand to child; S C across field. RIC IV (Sev. Alex.) 668. AE. 20.92 g. 31.00 mm. A choice example with an intense portrait. Lovely leather patina with darker hues. Traces of die swift on reverse. Flan crack. Good VF.
Base d'asta € 200
Prezzo attuale € 240
Offerte: 3
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