Lotto 540:
Vespasian (69-79). AR Denarius, Rome mint, 72-73. Obv. [IMP C]AES VESP AVG P M COS IIII. Laureate head right. Rev. VICTORIA AVGVSTI. Victory, draped, advancing right, holding palm over left shoulder in left hand and with right about to place wreath on a standard set on ground. RIC II-p. 1 (2nd ed.) 362; C. 618. AR. 3.30 g. 17.00 mm. Scarce. Sound metal. Superb example with bold portrait. Lightly toned. About EF/Good VF. The mention of 'Victoria Augusti' on a coin of Vespasian from the year 73 AD likely reflects the military successes of the emperor, particularly in relation to the Jewish Revolt. Vespasian played a key role in quelling the rebellion and ultimately capturing Jerusalem in 70 AD. The inscription 'Victoria Augusti' celebrates these victories, portraying Vespasian as a triumphant leader favored by the gods. It underscores his authority and legitimacy as emperor, reinforcing his status as Augustus and highlighting his successful suppression of dissent within the empire. This coin serves as a testament to Vespasian's military prowess and his ability to maintain control over the Roman Empire during a tumultuous period.
Base d'asta € 150
Prezzo attuale € 150
Offerte: 1
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