Lotto 268:
Greek Asia. Seleucid Kings. Seleukos I Nikator (312-281 BC). AR Tetradrachm. Susa. Struck circa 305/4-295 BC. Obv. Head of hero (Alexander or Seleukos?) right, wearing helmet covered with panther skin and adorned with the ear and horns of a bull. Rev. BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ΣEΛEYKOY. Nike standing right, placing a wreath on trophy to right; H to lower left, AX in lower middle field. BMC 37; SC 173.12; HGC 9, 20. AR. 17.10 g. 26.00 mm. RR. Very rare. Choice, lightly toned. Scratches on reverse. Bold portrait showcasing the fusion of Greek and Persian artistic influences. Good VF. Seleukos I Nikator, one of the most prominent figures of the Hellenistic period, founded the Seleucid Empire after the death of Alexander the Great. This tetradrachm, struck circa 305/4-295 BC, depicts Seleukos as a hero on the obverse, wearing a distinctive helmet adorned with the ear and horns of a bull. On the reverse, Nike, the goddess of victory, is shown placing a wreath on a trophy. This coin celebrates the Seleukos' military prowess and the vast empire he established, spanning from Anatolia to the Indian subcontinent.
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