拍品号 159:
Sicily. Akragas. AR Tetradrachm. Silanos, magistrate, c. 407 BC. Obv. Nike, holding kentron in extended right hand, reins in left, driving fast quadriga left; above, AKPAΓ/ANTIN-ON in two lines on tablet (partially retrograde, last two letters outside tablet); club left in exergue. Rev. Two eagles standing left on dead hare below, the closest eagle with wings closed and head raised, the further eagle with wings spread and head lowered; ΣIΛA-NOΣ along left edge. HGC 2 86; SNG ANS 1000; SNG Lloyd -; Seltman, Engravers 16 (dies J/o); Basel –; Dewing 565; Gillet 356; Gulbenkian 170; McClean 2041; Rizzo pl. III, 3 (all from the same dies). AR. 17.11 g. 28.00 mm. RRR. Of the highest rarity, very few specimens known. A masterpiece of Siculo-Greek art. Light grey tone with warm hues, minor traces of cleaning. Lightly porous surface. About EF.
Ex Artemide LIX, 2023, 167.
起拍价 € 10000
当前出价 € 10500
出价数: 2