Lotto 153:
Greek Italy. Bruttium(?), Breig. AE 13mm, c. 300-250 BC. Obv. K-A. Head of stag right. Rev. Plough left; monogram to right, BPEIΓ below. Cf. HN Italy 736 (for types; BPENT legend on rev.); Cf. Garrucci, pl. CXXIV, 31 (Brettii); cf. NAC 8, lot 451 (Breig...Uncertain Bruttian mint). AE. 1.62 g. 12.80 mm. RRR. Extremely rare. Minor patina flaws. Good VF.
Base d'asta € 250
Prezzo attuale € 250
Offerte: 1
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