Lotto 394:
C. Cassius and Lentulus Spinther. AR Denarius, mint moving with Brutus and Cassius (probably Smyrna) 43-42 BC. Obv. C·CASSI·IMP – LEIBERTAS. Diademed head of Libertas right. Rev. Jug and lituus; below, LENTVLVS / SPINT. Cr. 500/3; B. (Cassia) 16. AR. 3.38 g. 21.00 mm. R. Rare and choice example. Sound metal, well centred and struck on broad flan. Peripheral areas of flat strike, banker's mark on obverse. Traces of die swift on reverse. VF.
Base d'asta € 200
Prezzo attuale € 280
Offerte: 4
Lotto non in vendita