The Rare Anvil
Lotto 361:
L. Scribonius Libo. AR Denarius, 62 BC. Obv. LIBO BON·EVENT. Diademed head of Bonus Eventus right. Rev. Puteal Scribonianum decorated with garland and two lyres; at base, anvil; above, PVTEAL; below, SCRIBON. Cr. 416/1c; B. (Scribonia) 8. AR. 3.78 g. 20.50 mm. R. Rare and superb example. Sound metal and well centred. Minor area of flat strike on reverse. VF. The anvil is the rarest of the three symbols of this issue.
Base d'asta € 100
Prezzo attuale € 190
Offerte: 3
Lotto non in vendita