Lotto 338:
L. Censorinus, P. Crepusius and C. Limetanus. AR Denarius, 82 BC. Obv. Diademed and veiled head of Venus right; behind, L·CENSORIN. Rev. Venus in biga right; above, numeral; below, C·LIME[TA] (TA ligate); in exergue, P·CREPV[SI]. Cr. 360/1b; B. (Marcia) 27, (Crepusia) 3, (Mamilia) 9. AR. 3.75 g. 17.50 mm. Minor cleaning marks. A choice example. Nice cabinet tone. About EF.
Base d'asta € 100
Prezzo attuale € 380
Offerte: 12
Lotto non in vendita