Lotto 208:
Continental Greece. Attica, Athens. AR Tetradrachm, c. 454-404 BC. Obv. Head of Athena right, with frontal eye, wearing earring, necklace and crested Attic helmet decorated with three olive leaves over visor and a spiral palmette on the bowl. Rev. Owl standing right, head facing; olive sprig and crescent to left, AΘE to right; all within incuse square. HGC 4 1597; Kroll 8. AR. 17.13 g. 24.40 mm. A choice example with delicate patina. About EF.
Ex Naville 74, 2022, 83.
Base d'asta € 450
Prezzo attuale € 960
Offerte: 8
Lotto non in vendita