Lotto 731:
Gratian (367-383). AE 18 mm, Antioch mint, 378-383. Obv. D N GRATI-ANVS P F AVG. Bust of Gratian, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed, right. Rev. VIRTVS RO-MANORVM. Roma, head left, seated facing, on throne, holding globe and reversed spear. RIC IX Antioch 50A: Subtype 3. AE. 2.30 g. 18.00 mm. Interesting error in the die: in the reverse legend the first M and the N in 'ROMANORVM' is switched so it reads 'RONAMORVM'. EF.
Base d'asta € 50
Prezzo attuale € 71
Offerte: 3
Lotto non in vendita